Flow monitor, mechanical with paddle

The SF is a flow monitor for liquid and gaseous media in pipelines, hydraulic systems from 1/2″ to 8″ diameter, as a flow monitor or low-water protection like pumps in oil and cooling circuits, refrigeration machines, evaporators, compressors and heat exchangers.

Technical Data

Switching capacity:15 (8) A; 24...250V AC
Contact:dust-encapsulated microswitch as single-pin, potential-free changeover switch
Housing:ABS base (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) V0, with polycarbonate cover, galvanised steel base, screw-in body: Brass or stainless steel (see table)
Housing temperature:-40°...+85°C, max.media temp:-40...+120°C
Dimensions:140 x 62 x 65 mm
Paddle:Stainless steel, V4A, 1.4401
Electrical connection:0,14 - 1,5 mm² via screw terminals
Protection class:I (according to EN 60 730)
Protection type:IP 65 (according to IEC 529)
Function:Contacts 1 and 2 (red-white) open in the case of flow drop to the set value. Contacts 1 and 4 (red-blue) close simultaneously and can be used as a signal contact. The unit is set at the factory to the minimum deactivation value, this can be increased by turning the range screw clockwise.
Installation:Installation vertically into a horizontal pipe. T-piece Rx" according to DIN 2950. Calming distance at least 5 times the pipe diameter up- and downstream from the paddle.
Process connection:Screw-in thread 1“
Mounting screw con:M16